A Girl called Annie

"but you can call me whatever you want..."

March 21, 2005

Its Been Alright...

Maybe its because today was the "first day" of Spring...or maybe its because I got 8 full hours of sleep last night....

Maybe its because school is almost over...and I feel really in control and on top of my workload. Maybe this is why I'm actually looking forward to handing in my final assignments...and writing those final exams. I'm looking FORWARD to it...hmmm...(yeah, weird I know).

Something has come into my life and I don't know what it is yet. Something has also left my life...and for once...I'm "breathing."

I've been hearing back from some of the potential professors I may be working with on my Masters...and they sound so passionate about their research. Furthermore, all of them have been so incredibly nice and their kindness has really given me so much encouragement and hope.

Even though I got into a bitch fight with that stupid, smelly whore at Jacks the other night (cause she nearly killed my roommate)...I still have hope in humanity (yes, even in those gross, white-trashy girls with white blonde hair). Even though I stepped into this huge puddle this afternoon, I was thinking (while my shoe filled with ice cold water) how nice it actually felt, rather than slipping on ice like I usually do...and I was reminded of the sun today.

I opened up a fortune cookie tonight and it said: "You find beauty in ordinary things. Do not lose this ability." And its true. Just take a moment to actually think about something thats so beautiful to you, even though its so simple. For example, as I was walking home from class this afternoon....I saw my philosopher professor waving at me from across the street and I was so happy that he actually acknowledged me, because to be honest..I didn't even think he knew I existed. His smile and wave was such a kind gesture..that it made me smile the entire walk home. I thought: "wow, what a nice, sweet old man. the entire time i thought he was an arrogant prick...but he likes me!!! he REALLY likes me!" It was the smallest thing..but at the same time it was something so huge to me!!!


Relaxed...yet anxious because I have so much energy.
Matthew Good, "Near Fantastica"
1) Why the mind is attracted to tragedy and negative emotion
2) Kant's Moral Philosophy and the Categorical Imperative
3) Computation: is it sufficient or necessary for mentality?
4) Unethical Advertising: which ethical principles do they violate?
April 1st - Momo's Exhibit, you can check out her details on her blog: www.princesss-momes.blogspot.com
April 2nd: Drinks and dancing for Jenn T's Birthday
April 29th - This night is mine and Sarah's LAST night in London, so we are going out to
party!!! (it is also the last day of exams!!! yay!)
Exam schedule:
April 12th (7 p.m.)
April 13th - I present my thesis (a.m.)
April 16th - 9 a.m. and 2 p.m. (super fun day!)
April 29th - my last exam is at 9 a.m. (oh yessss)


Blogger Annie said...

Ohhh Rammikens!

You have given me my first real laugh for the day! Yes..even dry, crunchy socks hanging from a towel rack...it was like....contemporary art!!!

By the way...you know how I had to leave you yesterday at the U.C.C. to go to my engineering psych. lecture for 2p.m.???? Well it turns out that I got there and there was a sign on the door that said the class was CANCELLED for that day!!! I came looking for you my Rammikens..but either you hurried off to the bus stop or u went back in to the Spoke to watch "The Simpsons" (haha) I do not know!

love ya,

2:07 PM  
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8:10 PM  

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