A Girl called Annie

"but you can call me whatever you want..."

May 25, 2005

What Annie has been exposed to lately...
Besides the sun, Ian's cat Rupert (which surprisingly has not been a negative experience for me), Guelph (I've been there twice now!), and my family screaming at each other (its so normal here by the way)...here's the other stuff:
- Basic Instinct (with Sharon Stone and Michael Douglas). I finally saw this movie, though its quite old. DIRTY! but Stone is soooo incredibly hot she takes my breath away. I suggest renting this one with that special someone (or just someone you're sleeping with) however, some scenes are not appropriate for all audiences. Mature subject matter, viewer discretion is adviced, hehe. Is it true? Is Basic Instinct 2 coming out in theatres soon???
- House of Wax: Okay, I saw this 2 weeks ago or so, and all I can say is thank goodness we got into this one for free (something was up with the registers so they let us in...yay!). Honestly, the most thrilling moment during this movie is watching Paris Hilton chased and finally killed...brutally killed I must say. Otherwise, its about some freak who looks like...well, a freak. And I guess he's pretty insecure about his messed up face that he waits around while his brothers bring him his victims so that he may coat them in wax. And I thought I was insecure!
- Napoleon Dynamite: Okay, this movie was actually hilarious. Probably one of the most stupid films I've ever seen, but one of those stupid/funny films that makes you laugh...hard. If there is anyone who HASN'T seen it, come on over cause I'd love to watch it with you. I just want to be able to sit there and see the expression on your face. haha!
Music: (what I've been listening to nonstop for the past 2 days)
- Amerie, feat. Jay Z: "One More Thing" (fairly new)
- Velvet Revolver: "Dirty Little Thing" (older)
- dj Tomcroft (Benny Benassi Remix): "Loneliness" (older?)
- Stereophonics: "Dakota" (new)
- Coldplay: "Speed of Sound" (new)


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