A Girl called Annie

"but you can call me whatever you want..."

June 11, 2005

The Dream Approaches...

The Dream Approaches, by Salvador Dali (1932). People have analyzed this piece and say that the tower in Dali's work represent death, that the way the man is standing represents sexual urge, and that the "seashell thingy" there is suppose to look like female genitalia? I can see how this piece is dream like, since it is somwhat like a dream, which involves so many different parts that don't seem to "work together" but in the end they all do. What do you think Dali is showing us with this piece? And why is it called "The Dream Approaches?"


Blogger Annie said...

Hey Colleen,

I was always attracted by the choice and combination of colours Dali used. Colours like "quick sand" and "sky blue" were always so bright and there is definetely a pattern in his choice of colours.

I chose this particular painting because I liked the title. I wonder what he was dreaming for at the time and what this really meant to him.

11:56 PM  

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