A Girl called Annie

"but you can call me whatever you want..."

January 19, 2006

Has any national government ever succeded in cutting revenues and improving services?

Red vs/ Blue

con-ser-va-tive (kn surv tiv) adj. 1) conserving or tending to conserve; preservative 2) tending to preserve established traditions or institutions and to resist or oppose any changes in these

lib-er-al (libr l; often librl) adj. 1) giving freely; generous 2) large or plentiful; ample; abundant 3) tolerant of views differing from one's own; broad-minded; specif., not orthodox 4) favoring reform or progress, as in religion, education, etc.; specif., favoring political reforms tending toward democracy and personal freedom for the individual

I came across some arguments between liberals and conservatives, concerning the election coming up. Below, in quotes, are some interesting comments:

Removing the GST: 0$
Promising Day Care Twice: 0$
The look on your face when we break all our campaign promises and steal from you again: Priceless

"Let me see - Paul Martin wiped out our deficit, put in economic policies that have given us the lowest unemployment and mortgage rates ever, and created three million jobs. He has turned us into one of the greatest developed countries in the world. And now he wants to make us even greater by putting billions into our social foundations that are recognized the world over as amongst the greatest of any nation. By contrast, Stephen Harper wants to put us $50 billion in the hole with unrealistic tax cuts and spending promises that don't even work (not to mention buying more freakin' military crap) AND he wants to build walls around his home province, work with the separatist Bloc, put all the power into the hands of the provinces (we all know what great track records they have!), and open up the door to banning abortion and instilling homophobic attitudes about our country's gay population. Yes, I'm just as peeved about this whole sponsorship scandal as anyone, but I'm not about to throw my entire country down the toilet because of it. Paul Martin still has time to make it right in my eyes. "

"Paul Martin wiped out the governments operational deficit by slashing transfer payments to the provinces, not a hard thing to do. You can thank old Pauly for contributing big time to our ever increasingly poor health care system. A slash here and there saves a lot of bucks, so all these social program promises are only going to be topped up to the levels they were before old Pauly brought out the ax and made the chops, sad you cannot see that.Haha you would love Pauly to take credit for low unemployment and low mortgage rates eh, if only that were true. You should be thanking the Bank of Canada and first and foremost the U.S. Treasury Board for the low interest rates, not Paul Martin. B of C adopts the decision for the most part of the U.S. treasury board to cut interest rates to the current levels because they have to. Its called perfect capital mobility, the interest rates of our coutries have to be in line with each other, because capital will flow to the other country where people would seek greater returns, but borrowing would be somewhat curtailed. Ahh thats too much information for you. Yes based on GDP and productivity we are falling drastically behind the Americans. Wow must have been some great initiatives that Pauly implemented. "

"Wow, it really shows that the Liberal's don't care about our men and women serving are country when they don't see the need to put them in better equipment. As for abortion and gay rights, if you want to live in a judicial dictatorship so be it, but about 50% of Canadian's support the traditional definition of marriage, I guess in your view 50% of Canadian's are bigots."

"I heard Harper eats cute (only the cute ones) little puppies and kills baby seals for fun."

"This country was flushed down the toilet when all of the hippies who dodged the draft came to this country instead of fighting for theirs. Did'nt your hero Pierre Trudeau say he wanted to turn this country into Mao's china. "

What do you think?


Blogger Canadianna said...

I think Harper actually eats the seals and kills the puppies (whether they're cute or not.)

No, actually, you seem to have done a lot of research and that's important. Everyone comes to these kinds of issues with a bias, and it's hard to separate the wheat from the chaff.

I think there have been times in their history that the Liberals have done right by the country. Regardless of how he managed it, Paul Martin had the guts to get rid of the deficit. Yes, he cut transfers which have resulted in escallating debt for the provinces and underfunding of education and health care. But it took courage after years of both Liberal and Conservative governments allowing the debt to accumulate to the point that our credit rating was in jeopardy.
Where Paul Martin failed was when he started accumulating surpluses, he forgot that that money belongs not to the government, but to the taxpayer. Surpluses come from over-taxation and are a symptom of poor fiscal management just as deficits are.
Once he determined we could work on a surplus basis, and that we were still able to pay down the debt, he should have restored transfers to the cash starved provinces.
The Liberals started to believe their own press. They thought they could do no wrong, and that there would be no party that could contest their power given the state of the Conservative Party (in its various incarnations). The Liberals did what everyone does when they become too comfortable. They take it easy and forget that this is a job, and it requires work and thought and honouring of promises etc.
No one held them to account through four elections and now, they are bloated and ineffective.

When you vote, remember that whatever party you vote for will receive $1.69 because of your vote. It doesn't seem like much, but every little bit adds up. If you aren't happy with the Liberals and the Conservatives aren't your cup of tea, the smaller, growing parties need the support of people who are unwilling to commit to any of the major parties, but who want a voice.
Check into their platforms.
Whatever you do, I hope you can decide and you go out to vote, because it's important.

11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should note who said these quotes and when/where you got them.

10:58 AM  
Blogger Xtina said...

Hey annie,

Good job with the quotes. I'm excited to vote today. I've done quite a bit of research myself and I'm still sticking to liberal. One of my major concerns is that Steven Harper sounds too much like a mini-Bush and wants more to do with military and less to do with the rights of people (in terms of abortions and gay marriage). Liberal is the strong party here and I would like to keep it that way!

10:39 AM  
Blogger Annie said...

Hey Wilson!

Good for you! I think the main problem though is that people look at huge issues such as gay marriage and the military to give them an idea of what each government is like. Yes its true that depending on which way the government views such things (like gay marriage or funding the military) it can give us an idea of where priorities lie, however, I just think the liberal governent always uses hot button topics like "gay marriage" and "abortion" to make it look like this is the conservative party's main agenda, when really, it is not.


PS - happy voting day. remember, you don't HAVE to vote for any party. if you do not fully support any party still get out there and officially refuse your ballot.

5:05 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

So Stevie won afterall!

(mwa haw haw haw haw...)

5:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

best regards, nice info

11:20 AM  

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