A Girl called Annie

"but you can call me whatever you want..."

October 10, 2005

Are You Just Sitting on the Fence?
Is the glass half empty or half full? Can you say that you're not sure if you believe in God or not? Does that just make you a non believer then because you don't have enough faith? Or does that make you a believer because there is still a tiny part of you that can't deny God? Is that enough to make you a believer? I don't know whether I should call myself a believer or a non believer.


Blogger Unknown said...

I am a believer. I think I am.


12:10 AM  
Blogger Mark Raghu said...

To be unsure if you believe in God elminates any chance of you being agnostic...cause to be agnostic is to definately not believe. Does being unsure make you a believer?....tricky. If there's a part of you that believes that a higher power ultimately controls the happens of this earth...if you find yourself at anytime question this being as to what they are doing or have cried for help to this being.....then you are a believer. Your probably just like most of us, one who's not a stringent practioner and has been known to lack faith.

4:40 PM  
Blogger Annie said...

A "closet believer" may be the exact way to describe most of us. I personally do not think that anyone should ever be concerned with the way others view such personal values, such as faith, however, perhaps most of us cannot admit to ourselves that there is a part of us that "cannot" deny that we believe? I think thats where I stand. To be honest (and maybe I'm coming out of the closet here) but I almost feel like I can't talk about "being a believer" with most people (this does not include my closest friends of course). Most who don't know me well will assume I'm talking about believing in the Bible and being all religious and stuff. Its not about that. And a part of me tells myself that me believing in "something" beyond is just my way of comforting myself through certain times, or just in general.

Because a world without something greater than just science is quite disturbing to me...

3:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Because a world without something greater than just science is quite disturbing to me..."

What happens when faith in gods or the study of higher powers becomes a science, itself? I'm sure at one point, it was assumed that human thought and behaviour was something beyond science, but you should know by now that it has very much turned into a science. (Some would say "reduced to a science," but I think that's a little narrowminded.)

And to Luvnextcy who wrote earlier on this page: agnostic is *not* atheism... you have your terms mixed.

J in Edm

9:37 PM  

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